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juli 24


On the east side of Belgium, near the Dutch border, in a peaceful, open landscape of fields, meadows and woodlands, lies the monastery Our Lady of Klaarland,
a community of 15 Trappist Nuns.

Life in our monastery is characterized by the three basic elements of Trappist life: prayer, lectio divina (spriritual reading) and manual work.




Times of prayer

You are welcome to pray with us!

5.00 Vigils
7.45 Lauds (+ Eucharist Tuesday and Thursday)
9.00 Terce
11.15 Eucharist (Sunday)
12.00 Sext
14.00 None (except thursday and sunday)
17.00 Vespers (sunday)
18.00 Vespers (weekdays)
20.00 Compline
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